
Life lessons from Dungeons & Dragons

RPG (Role Playing Game) enthusiast Steve Bunda joins us to talk about the benefits of playing Dungeons and Dragons we can take into the real world. Lessons in teamwork, soft-skills, leadership and more!

Managing Burnout
Managing Burnout

What is burnout? How does it happen? Why does it happen? How can you avoid it? How can you recover from it? Today we talk all about burnout from every perspective we can think of and explain it to Chad, who is apparently immune.

Avoiding Documentation
Avoiding Documentation

Is documentation really necessary? Today we talk about how much is too much. We also discuss why documentation and knowledge capture are important and that we should do it even it’s not our favorite.

Get to Know the SDG Podcasters
Get to Know the SDG Podcasters

Even though it’s officially season two, do you know the podcasters? Well, let them introduce themselves. If you want to learn more, this is the episode for you!

Game Day: Day 1 of Release
Game Day: Day 1 of Release

When “Done” happens and the product is delivered, what is day 1 like? Whatever you are unleashing on the business or customers, how do you make sure things go well for day 1, and what do you do when surprises happen?

The Importance of Empathy
The Importance of Empathy

The podcasters talk about empathy and the important role it plays on the workplace, in IT, on projects, applications, design, and probably everything else.