Generative AI

Join the podcasters as they explore Generative AI, where machines create, compose, and design in ways that mimic human creativity. They discuss its evolution, applications, and the profound impact it can and will have on various industries.

Building a Team Part Two: Storming & Norming
Building a Team Part Two: Storming & Norming

Part 2 of a 3 part series on building a great team with Nick Bruecken.
Storming: Now that you have formed, how do you finish “Storming” to get everyone settled into their roles and how the team will operate, and then move on to “Norming” where the team is operating as well oiled machine?

Building a Team Part 1: Forming & Storming
Building a Team Part 1: Forming & Storming

Part 1 of a 3 part series on building a great team with Nick Bruecken.
Forming and Storming: How do you field and form a team to get everyone on board and heading in the right direction and ready to work on your project or initiative? As a team member, what can you do to help the process along?

Learning from Comic Books and Movies
Learning from Comic Books and Movies

What have we learned from Comics and Comic Book Movies? Anything? Everything? Listen as the Podcasters dive into life lessons taught from their favorite superheros.


We talk about identifying, setting, and keep boundaries at work. Not just work-life balance, but also protecting your productivity and focus. Boundaries for yourself and your team.