Podcast | Soft skills

Gaining and Keeping Trust

Entering at a new client can be challenging, especially when you aren't welcomed with open arms. The Podcasters talk about tips to gain trust and keep it.

Company Culture
Company Culture

The podcasters dive into company cultures, what they are, how to create a good culture, and how they can impact people and projects.

The World of Online Delivery
The World of Online Delivery

The podcasters Peter, Chad, Clare and Kyle talk about their experiences with getting food to eat during 2020 and beyond. Important tips like: “Don’t order hardshell tacos from 30 minutes away”, “If you don’t have experience with a restaurant, order more than one entree just in case the one you want isn’t the one you want”

How to Get a Team Back on Track
How to Get a Team Back on Track

Elle, Chad, Peter, and Kyle talk about turning around a team that is not doing so great. Maybe stuck in the mud, maybe drama, maybe some other dysfunction. How do you recognize it, and how can you fix it.