AI | Podcast

AI Governance vs. Freedom

The podcasters talk about the balance between establishing safeguards to prevent evil AI, while fostering a climate for creativity and innovation to create AI that will be a boon to humanity.

Patches, fixes, and fails
Patches, fixes, and fails

The podcasters analyze the crowdstrike failure that brought airline travel to a standstill. What potentially went wrong and the lasting effects of the failure.

Outsourcing human cognition
Outsourcing human cognition

The podcasters delve into the possibilities and challenges of outsourcing cognitive tasks to AI systems and the practical aspects of relying on machines for complex decision-making.

Is it worth it?
Is it worth it?

The podcasters explore the value and potential pitfalls of investing in new technology. They weigh in on cost-benefit analysis, long-term impact, and real-world case studies to help you decide if it’s truly worth it.

Product for non-product companies
Product for non-product companies

Discover how non-product companies can leverage product mindset principles to drive success. SDG’s Head of Product, Jason Scherschligt joins the podcast to discuss strategies, challenges, and insights.


Explore how being approachable can transform leadership, enhance team collaboration, and foster a more innovative and inclusive environment.